BJP Chairman sitting on dharna in police station in Ambedkar Nagar. BJP Chairman sitting on dharna in police station in Ambedkarnagar: Accused police of land grabbing, SP removed police station incharge Baskhari – Ambedkarnagar News
Ambedkar Nagar7 minutes ago
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In Ambedkar Nagar, the Chairman sat on strike at the police station.
Omkar Gupta, President of Nagar Panchayat of Asrafpur Kichhauchha in Ambedkar Nagar, sat on a dharna at Baskhari police station accusing the police of taking over the land. As soon as the news of Nagar Panchayat President's dharna came, BJP leaders and workers reached Baskhari police station.
In this case, the police say that the construction which is going on in the court
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