Verdict reserved in Kanpur's famous student union murder case. Judgment reserved in the famous student union murder case: Student leader Tony Yadav died during the conflict between DBS College President candidate Manoj Singh and Sandeep Thakur group – Kanpur News
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BJP leader and advocate Manoj Singh and former regional vice president of BJYM Sandeep Thakur.
The verdict in Kanpur's famous DBS College student leader murder case has been reserved after debate on Thursday. Now the court will give its verdict on 27th. During the DBS College Student Union elections, the procession of president candidates Manoj Singh and Sandeep Thakur came face to face. During this, there was heavy sloganeering and rapid firing from both the groups. In this, candidate Manoj's fellow student leader Tony Yadav had died after being shot. This was such a famous murder case of its time that curfew was imposed in Kanpur and the matter was heard even in the Assembly.
Verdict reserved in the famous case after 22 years, verdict on 27th
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