There was a ruckus in BHU LBS hostel mess. Ruckus in BHU LBS hostel mess: Students got angry on giving stale rice, mess chef gave warning, made complete diet free – Varanasi News
In the mess of Lal Bahadur hostel of Kashi Hindu University, students created a ruckus over the quality of rice. The students alleged that thick rice was being used in the mess. After which the students complained about this to the warden. In view of the protest, action was taken on the spot
Students angry over mess chef’s negligence
The students wrote in their written complaint that – We want to inform you that there is a lot of disorder in the mess of BHU_LBS hostel. Food is not being prepared according to the number of students in the hostel. Sometimes the vegetables are ending even before the students can eat and sometimes the roti is being exhausted. The warden had once reviewed this matter. The situation was fine for some days but then the situation has become worse. . Students said that the university has implemented a new rule that the mess fees for the entire month will be deposited together. Because of this, students are not able to go to any other hostel for meals.
Students said – Freedom to eat food in any mess
Students told that there is a long queue to get food and in that also we are getting only half-baked food, which reaches after some time. Same situation is happening with them. The students have written an application demanding that we be free to eat our hostel meals as per our wish.
Today’s diet is free
Warden RS Mishra told that someone had kept the morning rice on the table by mistake. Which the students served in their plates. When the students did not like the rice at meal time, they protested. After reaching the spot, he reprimanded the Maharaja of Mess No. 2 and reduced the diet of the evening meal to zero.
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