Weather in Bareilly will be clear today, sunshine will be strong. Weather is clear in Bareilly today, sunshine will be strong: With sunshine, mercury is rising like the month of September, sultry heat at 35 degree Celsius – Bareilly News
The weather is expected to be clear in Bareilly today Friday. The day is still sunny like the month of September. Half of the month of October is about to pass, but there is still no respite from the humid heat during the day.
Strong sunlight during the day is increasing the humidity. You will have to endure the humidity even today. The temperature has been reaching 35 degrees Celsius continuously for the last 10 days. Sometimes the sun is shining brightly during the day. Wind speed is normal during the day. Today on Friday morning the minimum temperature was recorded at 23 degrees. While the maximum temperature during the day is expected to reach 34.5 degrees Celsius. Wind speed is from 7 km per hour.
The weather remained clear near Nekpur bridge on Thursday night. Where
Heat during the day due to intense sunlight
Half of the month of October is about to pass, so it is still as humid as September. After the rain in September, the maximum temperature had dropped below 30 degrees, due to which the weather was clear. The Meteorological Department has declared clear weather in Bareilly and surrounding districts for the next 2 days. The Meteorological Department has predicted clear weather till October 13.
The night temperature is still normal
Where dew has started falling at night. The weather has been normal for the last one week. Where the weather will remain like this for the next two days. There is humid heat in Bareilly for the last one week. According to meteorologists, the month of October remains humid during the day. The temperature starts falling after midnight, but the day remains sunny and humid.
After the temperature crosses 32 degrees, when the wind speed remains normal, then humid weather prevails. According to the Meteorological Department, there is a difference of 11 degrees between night and day temperatures. The night temperature is said to be decreasing by 2 degrees from the middle of October. Where the night temperature remains normal.
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