Payment of Rs 7 crore stopped in Jal Jeevan Mission. Payment of Rs 7 crore stopped in Jal Jeevan Mission: Petty contractors took to the streets in Sultanpur, accused the company manager of abusing – Sultanpur News
Petty contractors associated with Jal Jeevan Mission have come out on the streets in Sultanpur. Payment of about Rs 7 crore to more than a dozen small contractors has been stopped for months. Petty contractors allege that we had taken work from K2 Infra Company, whose project
Demand raised for investigation on incomplete work
Dharmendra Singh, a small contractor of Dharma Enterprises, who came to complain to the DM, said that we are doing the work of pipeline and water tank in the village under the Jal-Jeevan Mission. A private company had given us the work of a petty contractor. Which is not being paid on time. Today we have come to the DM office and put forward our demand. To which he said that the work is incomplete, we told him to get the investigation done.
Payment is for November-December and January-February
Investigations are still being conducted since 7th August. Almost two and a half months have passed since then and their investigation is still not over. His JMR has been done, which means JCM has also been done, even after this he is not making the payment. Whereas he has also taken some payment from VTL. Some are payments for November-December, some are payments for January-February. The payment till March is still pending which is around Rs 7 crore.
Payment not made since last Diwali
On the other hand, regarding the same matter, another contractor said that when our house is surrounded, we will also surround it in some way or the other. The biggest festival is Diwali, but they have not given money since last Diwali, they did not give money on Holi, people are coming to the house to take money.
Had said in Dussehra that payment will be made before this. The words of these people have no value. Their project managers say something in the morning and something else in the evening. Senior officers do not have any gunner. There is an ADM, he carries the gunner of the company. They scare and threaten everyone on their own strength. Had abused along with the gunner Four days ago we had gone to the company’s office and there the manager along with his gunner abused us. After that, with his help, the police reached the spot. Six of us were brought and locked in the police station here. Come to Bajrang Bali in the morning and support them fully. Came to the Collectorate and took his bail, then took him along to the office. Then after reaching the office, we got our photo clicked with everyone and proved that we were with them.
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