Protest against proposal to make electricity expensive begins. Opposition to the proposal to make electricity expensive begins: Uttar Pradesh State Electricity Consumer Council gives representation against the Regulatory Commission – Lucknow News
The consumer has filed a proposal with the Regulatory Commission against the Annual Revenue Requirement (ARR). Council Chairman Awadhesh Kumar Verma alleges that Section 19(3) of the Electricity Act 2003 is being openly violated. In such a situation, opposition to the proposal to make electricity expensive started.
Awadhesh Verma says that on one hand efforts are being made to privatize Purvanchal and Dakshinanchal and on the other hand both these companies have also filed ARR for the year 2025-26. Their argument is that privatization cannot take place in the financial year in which the ARR is filed. Before privatization, the license has to be revoked, for which 3 months’ notice has to be given.
The current electricity rate in UP is as follows.
Electricity rate has not increased for 5 years Electricity rates in UP have not increased for the last 5 years. The proposal has been continuously rejected in the Commission. There was no talk on increasing the electricity bill for two years during Covid. Last year the corporation had shown a loss of Rs 11 thousand crore in ARR. The total cost was estimated to be between Rs 80,000 crore and Rs 85,000 crore.
PPP model is not planned
On the other hand, Power Corporation Chairman Dr. Ashish Kumar Goyal said in the review meeting at Shakti Bhawan on Tuesday that there is no plan to run Madhyanchal, Paschimanchal and Kesco on Triple-P model. Wrong confusion is being spread on this issue. From executive engineers to discom managing directors were involved in this meeting through video conferencing.
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