Uttar Pradesh

CCTV will keep an eye on Kesco employees, Kanpur KesCo, Kanpur News Today, CCTV, Kanpur News Hindi, Kanpur | CCTV will keep an eye on Kesco employees: 1800 cameras are being installed from headquarters to stores; Brokers will also be monitored – Kanpur News

Kesco personnel are also on the radar to eliminate corruption and theft in Kesco. To keep an eye on them, Kesco has decided to install CCTV in more than 150 of its offices, headquarters, yards, substations and stores. Kesco management has installed 1800 cameras


Monitoring is being done from the headquarters Keeping an eye on the brokers in KESCO offices and monitoring the work of engineers and employees is being done from KESCO headquarters. Every corner of the five helpdesks created in the new faceless system implemented in Kesco is also being monitored by the management from the Civil Lines headquarters through cameras.

Panel being installed after installing CCTV.

Cameras are being installed in more than 150 offices Kesco is installing these 1800 cameras in more than 150 offices and locations in the city. In fact, recently, complaints of indecency from electricity department employees have been received from many places in the state including Sambhal. Taking a lesson from these cases, Kesco has laid a network of cameras.

Keep an eye on the brokers coming to the office Kesco has installed such a large number of cameras mainly to make the system transparent. Cameras have been installed in Kesco substations and offices to keep an eye on the touts coming in, misbehaving with the engineers and employees and to keep an eye on the working of the employees and engineers.

Cameras also installed in cash collection Cameras have been installed at all cash collection counters including Kesco’s 93 substations, Parade Power House, Parade and Vikas Nagar Store Room, SCADA Control Room, Daheli Sujanpur, Keshavpuram, Dadanagar, Dabauli and Phulbagh Help Desk, Helpline Call Centre.

CCTV cameras are also being installed in the substation.

CCTV cameras are also being installed in the substation.

Faceless system implemented At the same time, Kanpur of Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation is the first city in UP, where faceless system has been implemented. Meaning, there is no need to meet any officer, engineer or broker for any work. You have to call 18001801912 and register a complaint or apply and get its token number.

need to bring transparency According to Kesco MD Samuel Paul N, Kesco is installing 1800 cameras in Kesco establishments within the last five months to bring transparency in its system. It will be monitored every moment.

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