Gonda police got Rs 69,000 returned to the victims. Gonda police returned Rs 69 thousand to the victims: Kumbh pilgrims advised to avoid fake websites, children made aware – Gonda News
Gonda Superintendent of Police Vineet Jaiswal.
Under the Cyber Kavach operation in Gonda, people are being continuously made aware and instructions are also being given regarding the increasing cyber crimes. Gonda Superintendent of Police Vineet Jaiswal gave cyber training to school children in a cyber awareness program organized at a private inter college in the city.
Gonda Superintendent of Police Vineet Jaiswal made the children along with their parents aware and said that if you are going to Kumbh, then you are not careful. Because Jalsa today is creating many fake websites and cheating in the name of providing facilities there. Whatever hotels are there by the Government of Uttar Pradesh and India. Other things are their website and their names have been made public on their official website. Apart from that, please do not book anything else. Otherwise you will become a victim of cyber fraud.
Gonda Superintendent of Police Vineet Jaiswal.
Superintendent of Police Vineet Jaiswal, while addressing the children, said that when you study on social media, you are not careful. There are many such apps through which you can be cheated. Therefore do not share any personal information.
Gonda’s Cyber Cell Police is creating awareness regarding cyber.
While taking action under Operation Cyber Kavach by the Cyber Cell Police of Gonda, Rs. 69000 of two victims have been returned. The money was transferred by believing the fraud call from the victims Suhail Ahmed and Zaheer Ahmed. After the cyber fraud, a complaint was made by the applicants before the Superintendent of Police, Gonda during the public hearing.
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