Disclosure in the drug case worth Rs 10 crore. Revelation in the case of narcotics worth Rs 10 crore: Hospital operator caught on the spot, yet police declared him wanted – Lakhimpur-Kheri News
The action taken by the Narcotics Department in Lakhimpur Kheri has exposed the police system. The narcotics team from Lucknow raided Royal Care Multi Specialty Hospital on Saturday and recovered narcotics worth about Rs 10 crore. However, this
During the raid, three people including hospital operator Khalid were detained in the joint action of the narcotics team and Kotwali police. But a shocking change was seen in the police press note released later. Hospital operator Khalid, who was present at the spot and was caught, was declared a wanted criminal, while the other two employees were sent to jail.
Trucks worth Rs 10 crore seized from Royal Care Multi Specialty Hospital.
Local people allege that the Kotwali police deliberately gave the hospital operator a chance to escape. This incident raises many serious questions.
Investigation of the case continues.
This entire case has not only exposed the illegal drug trade but has also raised serious questions on law and order and police functioning. Now it remains to be seen in which direction the further investigation will take place in this case and whether the role of the local police will also be investigated.
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