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211 couples get married in Chief Minister's mass wedding in Ghazipur. 211 couples got married in the Chief Minister's mass marriage in Ghazipur: District Panchayat President gave blessings, said – poor, laborers and helpless people are getting the benefits of this scheme of the Chief Minister.

211 couples get married in Chief Minister's mass wedding in Ghazipur.  211 couples got married in the Chief Minister's mass marriage in Ghazipur: District Panchayat President gave blessings, said – poor, laborers and helpless people are getting the benefits of this scheme of the Chief Minister.

Ghazipur31 minutes ago

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211 couples got married in Ghazipur.

Chief Minister's Mass Marriage Scheme was organized at RTI Ground in Ghazipur. The wedding ceremony was inaugurated by District Panchayat President Sapna Singh by lighting the lamp and offering flowers. Under the mass marriage scheme, the mass marriage of a total of 211 couples from 8 development blocks of the district was completed with all the rituals.

All the public representatives and

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