Uttar Pradesh

There were no doctors in 9 hospitals. There were no doctors in 9 hospitals: Health Department and Fire Brigade Department are conducting raids in Agra, double the beds found in 5 hospitals – Agra News

The team could not find doctors even in this hospital

In Agra, the health department raided hospitals, clinics and pathology after the Jhansi fire. There were no doctors in 9 of these hospitals. The Health Department is preparing a list of all such hospitals. This list will be handed over to IMA. Jhansi Medical College


There were no doctors in these hospitals

  • Jaypee Hospital, Trans Yamuna Colony
  • Mahadev Hospital, Trans Yamuna Colony
  • Lokhitam Hospital,Trans Yamuna Colony
  • Shivshakti Hospital,Trans Yamuna Colony
  • Akash Hospital,Trans Yamuna Colony
  • Global Hospital,Trans Yamuna Colony
  • Om Ashoka Hospital, Kamlanagar
  • Bhatia Critical Care Unit,Kamalanagar
  • Hridayam Hospital, Kamlanagar

Many deficiencies found in hospitals The team that went to raid not only did not find doctors in the hospitals, apart from this, there were more beds in 5 hospitals than approved. Double the beds were found in these hospitals. Two invalid pathologies were also found. The list of all will be given to IMA. Dr. Lavania says that the campaign will continue. Those hospitals which are not getting fire NOC are being given time along with notice.

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