Today, on the occasion of Kargil Vijay Diwas in Sonbhadra, along with Uttar Pradesh Congress Committee member Ashutosh Kumar Dubey (Ashu), people paid tribute to the brave sons martyred in Kargil at Chacha Nehru Park and also remembered them.
Congress Committee member remembered the martyrs
Ashu Dubey said that 26th July is celebrated as ‘Kargil Vijay Diwas’ all over India. This was the day when the brave sons of the country chased away the Pakistani army soldiers from Kargil and hoisted the tricolor again on the inaccessible peaks. This day is a day of pride for every Indian citizen. Also, on this day we should salute those martyrs. Because of whom Kargil is still ours. In this war, many brave sons happily sacrificed their lives for the pride of India.
On 26 July 1999, India won the war that lasted from May to July between India and Pakistan and the Indian Army’s Operation Vijay was also successful. Therefore, this day is also called Vijay Diwas.
He said- no one is greater than the country
Congress leader Shrikant Mishra said that Kargil Vijay Diwas is a lesson for the society which tells us that no one is above the country. Shadab Alam said that when a soldier fights on the border, he is only concerned about his country and he leaves aside the worries of his family and sacrifices his life for the protection of the country.
Om Prakash Ram said that all the countrymen should respect the army today because today we are safe inside the country only because of them. District Vice President of Youth Congress Suraj Verma said that the youth of the country is the strength of the country, whether he is on the border or anywhere else, when it comes to the country, he does not worry about his life. The main people present were Anshu Madheshiya, Sonu Khan, Sushil Kumar, Sonu.
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