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Elderly Chinese Couple Donates Entire Savings Of Rs 12 Crore To Their Village – News18

Elderly Chinese Couple Donates Entire Savings Of Rs 12 Crore To Their Village – News18

Last Updated: September 22, 2023, 12:12 IST

They used to wear shoes worth Rs 160.

As per reports, the couple bought no new clothes in decades. They lived in a dilapidated bungalow and used an old phone.

Generally, when someone starts earning, it is considered smart to start saving from the salary instead of spending it all. The savings are done to invest later on in life, or buy property or if there is an emergency, then it can come in handy. Similarly, an elderly couple from China saved money all their life and what they did with it later will touch your heart.

As per reports, 90-year-old Ma Ju and her husband Yan Xueyong, hailing from Hubei, China grabbed the headlines after they donated around Rs 12 crore to their village for its betterment. Reportedly, Ma Ju was one of Chinaโ€™s first female paratroopers. It was at this job that she met Yan Xueyong, who was one of the former paratroopers.

Ma Ju did not come from a financially well-off family and she was a soldier in the Peopleโ€™s Liberation Army and later became a paratrooper in 1962. She always had a desire to do something for her country.

After their marriage, they devoted their lives to scientific research for the military and used to make protective covers and oxygen jackets for soldiers. However, both gave priority to saving money and used to spend very little on themselves. In fact, as per reports, the couple have not bought new clothes in decades. They lived in a dilapidated bungalow and used an old phone. They used to wear shoes worth $2 (approx Rs 160).

One day, the couple decided to donate their entire savings of Rs 12 crore to their village so that it could progress and offer facilities like educating children. They believe that educating the children is important and will further help the village grow and develop.

Reportedly in 2018, one day, they thought of donating all their money and property. They reached Mulan County and discussed it with the local people as well. The bank people wondered if it was some kind of scam and called the police. The police found out that the couple had indeed saved a lot of money and spent the bare minimum on themselves.

Reportedly, Ma Ju ended up saving almost all her money from her job. They believed that if children get a good education, they can succeed in life and along with them, their home town as well.

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