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Here Are Some Ways In Which One Can Celebrate A Pet-Friendly Diwali – News18

Here Are Some Ways In Which One Can Celebrate A Pet-Friendly Diwali – News18

During Diwali celebrations, it is important to be cautious and check under parked cars for stray dogs seeking refuge from the noise of fireworks. (Image: Shutterstock)

Let us celebrate our festivities in a way that considers the well-being of our animal friends and cultivates a more compassionate and empathetic society.

As we celebrate Diwali by lighting up our homes, let us not forget about our pets and animals who share our spaces with us. The bright lights and loud noises can be distressing to animals, as they have more sensitive hearing than humans. They may become easily frightened by the loud sounds during our celebrations, causing them to tremble in fear, lose their appetite, and even suffer hearing impairment. Animals can also be affected by pollution, light, and noise, and may even get injured by firecrackers. Letโ€™s be mindful of our furry friends during this festive season and take steps to ensure their safety and comfort.

Dr. Princy John, Head of Strategy & Operations, at The Animal Care Organisation (TACO) says, โ€œLet us remember that the loud sounds of firecrackers not only disturb our pets but also expose animals to danger. Opting for a quieter celebration fosters a compassionate environment. While we close our doors and windows to reduce noise, consider opening your garages to provide animals, especially strays, safe spaces. This gesture will not only keep them calm and stress-free but will also promote inclusivity during the festivities.โ€

Talking of ear protection and paw care, Dr John added, โ€œFollowing a walk outside, diligently clean your petโ€™s paws to shield them from firework-related hazards. Also wipe their fur, mouth, and eyes to remove pollutants. Additionally, investing in pet-friendly earmuffs, using cotton earplugs, playing soothing music, and staying close to your pets can safeguard them and their sensitive ears from the cacophony of fireworks and prevent them from running away. It is also advisable to keep talking with your pets and constantly comfort them and not lose your calm if they get anxious or aggressive.โ€

During the festival of lights, Diwali, we decorate our homes with oil lamps and decorative lighting. To ensure the safety of our pets, it is vital to keep oil lamps and diyas out of their reach. Placing decorative lights and diyas in areas that pets cannot access helps to avoid the risk of electric shocks and burns.

Celebrate the festivities considerately by adjusting petsโ€™ walk timings to early morning and late night to ensure their well-being from fire-related disturbances and sudden noise.

By establishing a defined time limit for community gatherings and celebrations, instead of celebrating in each household, we can not only minimize the distress experienced by our furry and feathered friends but also mitigate pollution. Being mindful of not bursting crackers where stray animals are present is essential to ensure their safety and well-being. Embracing these practices promotes a more environmentally conscious and empathetic approach to our celebrations.

The expert also mentioned, โ€œRaising awareness about the perils of firecrackers and airborne lanterns for animals and birds is of utmost importance. Our feathered companions endure significant distress, as sometimes their nests catch fire due to stray lanterns entangled in trees. Furthermore, placing water bowls on balconies during the celebrations enables birds to hydrate themselves amidst depleting air quality during Diwali.โ€

During Diwali celebrations, it is important to be cautious and check under parked cars for stray dogs seeking refuge from the noise of fireworks. If your pets are experiencing severe stress and anxiety, it is advisable to seek advice or medication from a veterinarian. Do not offer them human sweets as it can lead to severe health issues. Instead, provide them with a nutritious meal to keep them energized and distracted from the noise. You can also consider volunteering at animal shelters to help care for anxious animals.

In conclusion, embracing celebrations and making them pleasant for all, can genuinely transform the way we experience festivals. By abstaining from bursting crackers and celebrating a green Diwali, we promote a more peaceful cohabitation with nature, safeguard the well-being of animals, and maintain a healthier environment for ourselves and future generations.

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