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Only Those Who Don’t Drink, Smoke And Eat Vegetarian Can Get A Job At This Chinese Company – News18

Only Those Who Don’t Drink, Smoke And Eat Vegetarian Can Get A Job At This Chinese Company – News18

Last Updated: July 17, 2023, 18:38 IST

The interviewer explained that the criteria were not motivated by bias against specific candidates.

The Chinese electronics company’s advertisement, which wanted people who don’t smoke, consume alcohol or eat meat, shot to the top of the social media trending topic lists.

Finding instances where various companies have their own regulations that employees must abide by when looking for a job is rather prevalent. However, a job posting from a Chinese firm has stirred much discussion on social media because of the peculiar requirements it places on potential applicants.

The electronics company’s advertisement, which wanted people who don’t smoke, consume alcohol or eat meat, shot to the top of the social media trending topic lists.

According to The South China Morning Post, the public outrage started after a candidate posted online about their interaction with the human resources employees of the Shenzen-based company. As per the screenshots of their chat, the company was offering monthly salaries starting at 5,000 yuan (approximately Rs 57,000) for operations and merchandiser responsibilities, as well as free accommodation. It also stated that job seekers should not smoke, drink or consume meat.

The bewildered applicant inquired about these strange restrictions during an online interview. “Don’t smoke? Don’t drink? Don’t eat meat?” the applicant inquired. “If you don’t eat meat, why do others kill animals? Fish give all to fishermen, but fishermen eat them,” the interviewer replied. “Are you all right?” the applicant immediately asked. To which the interviewer replied saying “Just mind your own business”.

The interviewer went on to explain that the criteria were not motivated by bias against specific candidates, but rather by the company’s corporate culture.

The unnamed human resources professional later claimed in an interview with Bailu Video that there was no denying that consuming meat was a form of murder, even though it was enjoyable and that if someone was hungry for meat, they could not be good for themselves or others.

The story sparked a heated debate on social media platforms. Many people were perplexed and amused by the company’s requirements. One person commented, “Is the firm hiring monks, nuns, or employees? Funny”. While another said, “Could it be that the canteen doesn’t want to spend a penny on meat?”.

In China, unusual hiring standards are frequently the subject of internet debate and entertainment. In May, a manufacturer was chastised for refusing to recruit two candidates unless their erased their tattoos, igniting debate over cultural prejudice and workplace discrimination.

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