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‘Seinfeld Rule’: Ex-Canadian Deputy PM Tells Trudeau to Quit, Follow Sitcom Creator’s Footsteps – News18

‘Seinfeld Rule’: Ex-Canadian Deputy PM Tells Trudeau to Quit, Follow Sitcom Creator’s Footsteps – News18

Former Canadian finance minister and deputy prime minister John Manley urged Justin Trudeau to step down from his role after nine years in power. (Image: Reuters)

Jerry Seinfeld ended sitcom Seinfeld after nine seasons, Trudeau is being suggested to do the same after nine years in power.

John Manley, who was Canada’s deputy prime minister from 2002 to 2003 in the Jean Chretien government, urged Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to not run for the upcoming election as Liberal Party leader.

He backed his request up by citing three rules. First, he referred to the famous and critically acclaimed television sitcom, Seinfeld, and secondly, he highlighted that change is a force of nature in politics. Thirdly, he pointed out that his predecessors did not continue in the job past a decade.

Manley pointed to the success of the show and highlighted that the creator Jerry Seinfled discontinued the show after nine seasons and did not go for a tenth season. Manley said Seinfeld decided to end the sitcom when it was the most popular.

“It was the perfect moment, and the proof that it was the right moment is the number of questions you’re still asking me about it,” Seinfeld creator Jerry Seinfeld told the New York Times in 2018, revealing that he was being offered $5 million per episode for a 10th season.

“So 2025, Mr. Trudeau will have had 10 seasons. Before him, Stephen Harper — nine seasons. Before him, Jean Chretien — 10 seasons. Before him, Brian Mulroney — nine seasons. You want a renewal after 10 seasons?” Manley was quoted as saying by Bloomberg BNN.

“The odds are against it, quite apart from anything else. Time for a change is a force of nature in politics,” Manley further added.

Manley also said that the polls suggest Trudeau and his Liberal Party is struggling with stats showing that if elections were held in the current setting the Conservatives would receive 41% support from committed voters, the Liberals 26%, the NDP 18% and the Greens 4%.

Justin Trudeau is facing criticism from the opposition and sections of Canadians after he alleged that India was responsible for the murder of Khalistani separatist-terrorist Hardeep Singh Nijjar. His government expelled a senior Indian diplomat and India responded similarly by expelling a senior Canadian diplomat.

The diplomatic tensions with India have also led many asking Trudeau to step down from his role.

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