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Teen drowned in canal in Etawah, died | Teen drowned in canal in Etawah, died: Accident happened due to going into deep water while bathing, had come to visit aunt’s house 3 days ago – Etawah News

Teen drowned in canal in Etawah, died | Teen drowned in canal in Etawah, died: Accident happened due to going into deep water while bathing, had come to visit aunt’s house 3 days ago – Etawah News

In Etawah, a teenager who went to bathe in a canal with his friends to get relief from the heat, died by drowning. The youth who were bathing in the canal said that the teenager drowned in the canal due to the water being deep in the canal. By the time they tried to save him, he had already drowned. It took two and a half hours for the rescue operation to take place.


The boy’s maternal uncle Sumit said that Piyush (17) son of Akhilesh, a resident of Budh Bhim Nagar of Dibiyapur police station of Auraiya district had come to his aunt’s house at Adda Sati three days ago on Saturday. On Monday morning around 9 am he left the house with three boys of the neighborhood Rishi, Chandan to take a bath in the canal. While bathing with his friends, he fell into the canal as the water was deep. He drowned in no time.

The family members are crying in a bad state
On receiving the information, his aunt and uncle Dhruv Singh, brother Sumit reached near the canal. On receiving the information, the police reached the spot and started searching for the boy with the help of divers. After searching for about two and a half hours with great difficulty, the body of the boy was found dead. Uncle Rajesh Kumar said that he was the only son of the family. He was an intermediate student. On getting the information about the incident, younger sister Shanvi and mother Mamta along with the family members are inconsolable and are crying.

File photo of the deceased teenager.

File photo of the deceased teenager.

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