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Uttar Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh Update, Up Crime File, Kanpur Crime, Kanpur Update. Bathinda Punjab, Kanpur, Pregnant bank manager of Kanpur posted in Punjab dies under suspicious circumstances, husband accused of death of mother and child by forcibly feeding abortion medicine in the eighth month, engineer husband accused of female bank manager having third daughter in her womb Including in-laws were harassing me | Pregnant female bank manager dies under suspicious circumstances: Mother of the deceased said… Death due to feeding abortion pills in the eighth month after having a third daughter, husband and in-laws absconding – Kanpur News

Uttar Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh Update, Up Crime File, Kanpur Crime, Kanpur Update. Bathinda Punjab, Kanpur, Pregnant bank manager of Kanpur posted in Punjab dies under suspicious circumstances, husband accused of death of mother and child by forcibly feeding abortion medicine in the eighth month, engineer husband accused of female bank manager having third daughter in her womb Including in-laws were harassing me | Pregnant female bank manager dies under suspicious circumstances: Mother of the deceased said… Death due to feeding abortion pills in the eighth month after having a third daughter, husband and in-laws absconding – Kanpur News

Geeta Devi, mother of deceased bank manager Sapna Gautam, mourning at Kanpur post-mortem house.

A pregnant woman bank manager living in Kanpur died under suspicious circumstances in Bhatinda, Punjab. The family members allege that her engineer husband was forcing her to abort the child after she conceived her third daughter. A month before the delivery, she was given abortion pills.


Husband and in-laws accused of forcing daughter to have an abortion and causing her death

Sapna Gautam (37), a resident of Awas Vikas M-Block in Kalyanpur police station area of โ€‹โ€‹Kanpur, was currently a branch manager of Bank of Baroda in Bathinda, Punjab. Sapna’s mother Geeta Devi said that she was married to Samsher Singh, a Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) engineer, resident of Ratanlal Nagar MIG-10 Kanpur, 10 years ago. Sapna was posted in Varanasi, but due to her husband’s posting in Bathinda, Punjab, the daughter also took a transfer there.

Sapna Gautam with her engineer husband Samsher Singh. (File photo)

Sapna and Samsher Singh had two daughters, Aavya (7) and 5-year-old Atishti. The deceased’s mother Geeta Devi alleges that when Sapna became pregnant eight months ago, her husband forcibly got the gender tested. After getting the information that there was a girl in the womb, he was constantly pressuring her for abortion. The daughter had told on the phone that after getting pregnant, her husband took her to a doctor for a routine checkup, but when the doctor asked if she was ready for abortion, Sapna refused. Then it was revealed that her husband had brought her to the hospital by deceit for abortion. After this, Sapna pleaded with her husband a lot and said that she would bear the expenses of the daughters. But the husband did not listen to her at all, after which the dispute between the couple continued on this matter.

Family members of deceased Sapna at the post-mortem house.

Family members of deceased Sapna at the post-mortem house.

It is alleged that on June 4, a month before the delivery, a call came that Sapna’s health was very bad. When mother Geeta Devi and brother Anuj Kumar reached Bhatinda from Kanpur, they came to know that she had been referred to Chandigarh as her condition was serious. When they reached Chandigarh, the daughter had died. The son-in-law told that both the mother and the child died due to premature delivery. The family members alleged that the husband forcibly fed abortion pills to the wife. Due to this, both the mother and the child died. The mother and brother reached Kanpur with the daughter’s body and gave a written complaint to the Govind Nagar police station for post-mortem. After investigation, the police of Govind Nagar police station sent the body for post-mortem. After the death, the husband and the in-laws have fled from the house. No one reached the maternal home. Mother Geeta Devi, maternal uncle Santosh Kumar, brother Anuj Kumar and other family members reached the post-mortem house.

Govind Nagar police station in-charge Prashant Mishra said that the body of the deceased Sapna Gautam has been sent for post-mortem. Further action will be taken on the basis of the post-mortem report. The deceased’s in-laws said that the death occurred due to excessive bleeding during premature delivery. The matter is being investigated.

Aavya and Atishthi, daughters of deceased bank manager Sapna Gautam.

Aavya and Atishthi, daughters of deceased bank manager Sapna Gautam.

Also accused of dowry harassment

You will be surprised to know that despite the husband being an engineer in HPCL and the wife being a bank manager, the in-laws were harassing the couple for dowry. The parents said that in 2021, Rs 10 lakh was transferred to the daughter and son-in-law’s account. The husband was harassing the daughter after having two daughters. He also demanded Rs 10 lakh in the name of expenses for both the daughters.

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