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Varanasi Response of the youth of Kashi on the election results | Youth’s response to the Lok Sabha election results: Said- Government will be formed only by working on employment, education and inflation, told why the margin of victory of PM was less – Varanasi News

Varanasi Response of the youth of Kashi on the election results | Youth’s response to the Lok Sabha election results: Said- Government will be formed only by working on employment, education and inflation, told why the margin of victory of PM was less – Varanasi News

The results of the Lok Sabha elections 2024 are out. The BJP-led NDA has got a majority. There are chances of Modi government being formed once again. But, even after the election results, there are indications that the game is still on.


Important meetings of NDA and India Alliance were held. In which NDA passed the proposal to form the government and India Alliance talked about waiting for the right timeโ€ฆ..but the youth of the country have told the government that now the elections will not be fought on the basis of caste, religion and temple politics but by working on employment, education and inflation.

Know what was the margin of PM’s victory.

After the results of the Lok Sabha elections, the youth of Kashi shared their Mann Ki Baat with Dainik Bhaskar. The youth first spoke about employment and development. The women spoke about women’s safety, control over inflation as well as increase in amenities. On the results that came this time, they said that it was really thrilling.

Let us first know what the youth of Kashi said…

  • Kashi youth Shubham Mishra said that this time the result was as estimated across the country but in Uttar Pradesh it was completely opposite. BJP must search for the reasons. According to me, the government’s Agniveer scheme has cheated crores of youth. Also, leakage of competitive exam papers and delay in the time of examinations have also been a reason. (For example, in UP, the forms for higher education and secondary education have been filled in 2022 and the exam has not been conducted till date) The issue of employment has dominated. The opposition has been successful in capitalizing on this. On the question of the Prime Minister’s victory by a low margin, he said that the reasons for winning by a low margin are not clear. Still, the demolition of people’s houses in Varanasi city and the talk of demolition of more houses for some new work has created fear among the people of Kashi. He said that the trees that are being cut due to road widening by the incoming government. The work of planting them is not being done in the way it should be. Therefore, along with roads, trees should also be planted, schemes like Agniveer should be stopped and competitive exams should be conducted smoothly.
Shubham, Nivedita and Rajiv expressed their opinions on the election results.

Shubham, Nivedita and Rajiv expressed their opinions on the election results.

  • Nivedita Pathak said that one thing is very clearly visible from this result that in democracy, nothing is above the public. Along with that, in a country like India, you can only cash in on any issue, be it caste, religion or country, till a certain time. According to me, the election results also clearly showed that there was a need for a strong opposition. Which was fulfilled. The NDA, which formed the government twice with a huge majority, has also shown humility with the results this time. Now it becomes interesting to see whether in future these two alliances, in the ruling and the opposition, adopt the path of development to cash in on the voters or blame others. Explaining the reason for the low margin of victory of the PM, she said that I think, caste equations and rural votes played a more important role in this. Along with that, Ajay Rai from India Alliance got votes not only from Congress but also from other parties and the candidate’s ground campaigning also worked, since door to door campaigning of the Prime Minister is not possible. She said that my city is the guru of everyone. But even a Guru must learn someday, that…there is a great need for grassroots education and high quality academic and research institutions.
  • Rajiv Nayan said that the results of the 2024 general elections show the victory of democracy. No party has got a clear majority in this election. The collapse of the NDA shows that they failed to fulfill the promises and achievements they made to the public. Issues like employment, education, inflation dominated instead of religious frenzy. These election results have pushed this country towards coalition politics. He said that the anger among the youth for Agniveer, paper leak and the continuously decreasing government jobs is clearly visible in the mandate. He said that the reason for the low margin of the PM’s vote was the anger among the local residents due to the action of bulldozing the houses of Kashi people in the name of development. The opposition took the election in Banaras to a fight on local issues. There was anger among women voters due to the IIT BHU rape case. Anti-incumbency was an important reason.
Abhishek, Adhokshaj and Pihu gave their answer on the election results.

Abhishek, Adhokshaj and Pihu gave their answer on the election results.

  • Abhishek Singh said that the decision of the public opinion is in front of everyone. The issue of changing the constitution which was raised strongly by the opposition on every platform and the lack of employment opportunities reduced the margin of victory. If the NDA government is formed this time, then the government should focus on employment, fellowship of researchers (NET/NON-NET), participation of student politics and youth in Indian politics, and permanent job opportunities in the education and health departments.
  • Adhokshaj Pandey said that you cannot ignore the major issues of the common people. This time’s result is a proof of this. The everyday needs of the common people will have to be taken care of. He said that the biggest reason for Prime Minister Modi getting less votes was the distance of local councilors and public representatives from the public. He said that the coming government should focus on employment for the youth, the fee hike in educational institutions should be reduced and NET research amount should be increased, a new scheme should be brought for financial assistance to farmers, the old scheme of army recruitment should be restarted and UCC should be implemented soon.
  • Pihu Pratap said that the 2024 Lok Sabha elections are special in many ways. The biggest feature is that this election has re-established the shaken faith of the people of the country in democracy. This election has also given a strong answer to the opponents on all questions including EVM. This election has again watered the regional student politics in the country, which had withered away. This election is a victory of India’s democracy, the people of India and their conscience. He said that the reason for the PM’s victory margin in Varanasi being less is that he had questioned the conscience of the people. In the name of development and expansion, many people’s homes were destroyed and employment for the youth, higher education and women’s safety were a big issue. He said that the current government should end the Agniveer scheme and remove GST, conduct caste census, end the misuse of government agencies, work on issues like education, health and employment of the poor.

Now let us find out how much lesser was the margin of victory of the PM compared to the last election year…

After the victory, BJP workers celebrated but there was silence at other places.

After the victory, BJP workers celebrated but there was silence at other places.

From the beginning of the elections in Varanasi, the entire BJP including the Prime Minister was aiming to get 10 lakh votes. But the public mandate gave a severe shock to the BJP. After 30 rounds of counting, the Indy alliance candidate Ajay Rai got a total of 4,60,457 votes, while Prime Minister Narendra Modi got a total of 6,12,970 votes. This victory is less than that of 2014 and 2019, there was a decline of 9.38 percent in the votes received by Prime Minister Narendra Modi compared to 2019.

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