Uttar Pradesh

Chandauli police recovered liquor worth Rs 60 lakhs. Chandauli police recovered liquor worth Rs 60 lakh: 705 boxes were hidden in a truck laden with husk, 1 smuggler arrested, was carrying it in fake bill to Bihar – Chandauli News

Chandauli7 minutes ago

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During the investigation on Friday, a joint team of Sadar Kotwali Police and SWAT of Chandauli seized a truck laden with paddy husk on the highway. During this period, about 6300 liters of illicit liquor manufactured in Punjab province was recovered from the truck. The police team took the driver of the vehicle into custody. The value of the liquor recovered by the police is estimated to be more than Rs 60 lakh. ADG and SP have announced a reward of Rs 25,000 each to the police team. Meanwhile, in the police line, ASP Vinay Kumar Singh revealed the recovery and arrest of the smuggler.

705 boxes of liquor recovered, ASP told that smuggling on the highway

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