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Love Chewing Bubble Gum? You Must Watch How It Is Made – News18

Last Updated: September 18, 2023, 19:50 IST

During this blending stage, glucose is introduced to add a sweet taste.

The video explains that instead of the traditional practice of using resins, bubble gums are now made from plastics and rubbers.

People often receive advice during their childhood about not ingesting chewing gum, with warnings that it could linger indefinitely in their stomachs. This cautionary guidance has likely stuck with many of us over the years. The initial sense of panic when accidentally swallowing a piece of gum is a shared memory, accompanied by the reassurance from elders that it was not as dire a situation as we once believed. However, recent revelations have shed light on the less appealing aspects of bubble gum production, leading some to reconsider their stance on its consumption altogether.

A well-known television series, How It’s Made, took to YouTube to unveil the intricate process behind the making of chewing gum, revealing a less-than-appetizing reality. The short documentary delves into the origins of chewing gum, tracing its roots back to a dentist who pioneered its creation before it evolved into a beloved childhood treat, with variations such as bubble gum and gumballs gaining popularity in the United States.

Watch the video here:

The video begins by highlighting the fundamental ingredient of gum, the gum base, which provides the characteristic chewiness. The footage shows balls of gum coated in a powdery substance to prevent them from sticking together.

In a voice-over, the narrator explains that traditionally, this gum base was derived from tree resins, but in contemporary production, the gum is primarily synthesised from plastics and rubbers, a fact that may evoke a sense of unease among consumers.

As the video moves on, the gum base is poured into a mixer and blended with colouring and flavouring agents, resembling a process similar to that of mixing cement during the construction process. The narrator explains that during this blending stage, glucose is introduced to infuse a sweet taste into the gum.

Dextrose, a powdered sweetener, is then added to the mixture before it is subjected to a vigorous blending process, lasting approximately 20 minutes, generating heat that fuses all components together.

The video displays a vivid pink substance being compressed and stretched, with the plastic components within the gum separating as it tears and folds, offering viewers a close-up view of the manufacturing process. This revelation has left some viewers horrified, prompting them to share their candid reactions in the video’s comments section.

One commentator wrote, “Fascinating process. I probably could have done without knowing the ‘plastics and rubber’ part and I’m thankful that I don’t chew gum anymore.” Another humorously remarked, “I looked this up because I’m chewing a piece of Double Bubble right now. It’s nice to see what chemicals and colouring I’m chewing. I love this stuff!”

An individual expressed their amazement, writing, “It’s made of plastics and rubber” Me: regretting swallowing my gum throughout the years”.

The video has received over 24 million views since being shared in 2018.

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