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Same Sex Spanish Couple Give Birth To Baby Boy Via Shared Motherhood IVF – News18

Last Updated: November 21, 2023, 12:48 IST

The effortless IVF method uses a device called INVOcell.

They underwent a groundbreaking novel fertility treatment called shared motherhood or reciprocal IVF.

A same-sex couple from Spain, Estefania and Azahara, have etched their names in history by becoming the first in Europe and second in the world to have a baby they both carried in their bodies, according to the media outlet Metro. The baby boy named Derek Eloy stepped into the world on October 30 in Palma, Majorca. Estefania provided her fertilised egg, and Azhara carried the pregnancy to term. As per a report published in Metro, the couple embarked on their journey to parenthood in March, with the help of a fertility clinic. The fertility treatment called INVOcell began with placing a capsule of eggs and sperm inside Estefania’s body for five days, enabling natural in-vitro fertilisation using radical technology. Then, after five days, the tablet was removed, and the embryos were then inspected and chosen before being transferred into Azahara’s uterus. Then, one of the embryos was implanted into Azahara’s womb for further development.

Both of them had a chance to carry the baby for the full term of nine months in their wombs. They underwent a groundbreaking novel fertility treatment called shared motherhood or reciprocal IVF, which cost the couple over 4,400 pounds (Rs 4,57,909), including the required medication.

As per a report by NDTV, a doctor from the medical team that made little one’s birth possible elucidated, “The novelty in this process allows both partners to carry the embryo and share it for as long as needed.”

The media outlet further reported that Estefania expressed that now, when she looks at the baby and her partner, she feels a deep connection. “It was a way for both of us to be able to carry him. The idea that I could participate in this way and carry him in my womb was much more exciting and amazing,” she concluded.

Two married women in Texas became the world’s first to carry the same baby in 2018. Fertility specialists Dr Kathy Doody and her husband, Dr Kevin Doody, of CARE Fertility in Bedford, Texas, pioneered a unique form of IVF — termed reciprocal effortless IVF — which provided the pair with blissful motherhood.

This procedure includes two forms of IVF: reciprocal IVF and effortless IVF. Reciprocal IVF allows one woman to donate the eggs while another woman carries the pregnancy. The effortless IVF uses a device called INVOcell, which retains the sperm and egg inside the woman’s body for five days instead of a lab. In addition to that, this new method of IVF is cheaper — about half the cost of traditional IVF. The cost ranges from about $7,000 to $8,000 with medication.

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